Walls and Fences

Shane Claiborne is a freelance troublemaker, activist, a founder of The Simple Way, and a compiler of the new prayerbook Common Prayer. Shane’s comments are taken from the January 2011 issue of the new CONSPIRE magazine, which is on the theme of walls and borders, and which Shane helped pull together. CONSPIRE is a magazine which is trying to build community and connect people while tackling some of the most challenging spiritual and faith questions of our times. It is supported by hundreds of Christian communities and individuals across the country. Check it out (and read some of the current issue) at www.conspiremagazine.com–and then become part of it. Please note that the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of everyone associated with G92 or any institutions with which the blogger may be affiliated. If you’re interested in writing a guest blog, send us an email at blog@g92.org.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kellye Fabian, g92.org. g92.org said: New blog by Shane Claiborne on walls and fences. You don't want to miss this: http://bit.ly/dGwaB9 […]
Oh I totally love this. So well written! Let us never have a wall up against anyone but live as if we were all equal….because we are.