On a bus ride during a recent visit to Colombia, our journey took an unexpected turn–literally. Faced with what I thought at the time was a simple construction detour, our driver veered off onto a narrow dirt road and proceeded to barrel through potholes and squeeze past other buses and semi-trucks for […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on the NC Council of Churches’ blog. Permission was given by the author to repost. In these fever-pitch days of summer, with the once-in-a-generation chance at real immigration reform in Congress, we’re hearing a lot about how reform is good politics (for both parties) and good for […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This blog originally ran on September 3, 2012. You can’t understand immigration without a basic understanding of the labor market. While some individuals choose—or are forced—to migrate for other reasons, such as refugees forced to flee persecution or individuals who relocate to reside with a family member, the vast majority of immigrants […]Continue Reading →
“It’s the economy, stupid!” Poll after poll shows that American voters’ top priorities for our government to address are economic issues such as unemployment and job creation. America’s concern over unemployment makes perfect sense. For one thing, a country obviously cannot achieve its full potential while suffering from high unemployment. For […]Continue Reading →
If the evangelical community is to be a leading voice in the call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR), what steps need to be taken to ignite its voice? In recent years, key leaders within the evangelical community have been instrumental in the support of versions of CIR that attempt to balance moral imperatives of […]Continue Reading →
One of the stock arguments used by those against comprehensive immigration reform is that undocumented immigrants are a burden on national resources. Undocumented immigrants take “American” jobs, leach off the social welfare system, and drain tax dollars, they say. In other words, undocumented immigrants lower the national standard of living. First of all, […]Continue Reading →