Roadblocks and Spilled Tomatoes: How the Global Economy Affects Undocumented Immigration

Liuan Huska is a freelance writer in the Chicago area. Check out her blog on embodiment and faith, Body & Being, and follow her on Twitter @LiuanHuska. Please note that the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of everyone associated with G92, or any institutions with which the blogger may be affiliated. We are always looking for new guest bloggers. If you are interested in writing a guest blog, contact
Tagged with: agricultural workers • agriculture • Colombia • domestic economy • economy • farmers • free trade • globalization • illegal • immigrant • immigrants • immigration • immigration reform • international economy • jobs • market • migrants • NAFTA • policy • protest • roadblock • strike • undocumented • undocumented immigrants • unemployment
[…] Source: — Wednesday, October 02, 2013On a bus ride during a recent visit to Colombia, our journey …read more […]
Thanks Liuan for this post! I often think that the immigration debate in the US too often gets reduced to domestic issues without seeing the reason they left their home countries in the first place. Granted these foreign policy issues can tend to complicate the issue and risk losing supporters but so necessary to understand the whole issue. For more see and you might want to make a visit with us to Mexico in the future.
Liuan, Juan Gonzalez wrote a hard hitting book, with much undeniable documentation, of this very dynamic, titled “Harvest of Empire.” His thesis is that the harvest the US has reaped from using it’s power to force advantageous trade policies has been the influx of immigrants. It’s a compelling read. The US has much to do with poverty in Latin America.