Reflection on the “I Was a Stranger…” Challenge

Daniel Watts graduated from Wheaton College in August 2012 and is the G92 Coordinator. Please note that the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of everyone associated with G92 or any institutions with which the blogger may be affiliated. We’re always looking for new guest bloggers; please check out our Guest Blog Submission Guidelines if you’re interested.
Tagged with: Bible • Daniel Watts • Evangelical • evangelicals • G92 • • I Was a Stranger Challenge • immigrants • immigration • undocumented immigrants
This article is so relevant in our globalised world and so very well put. I am immensely grateful that I am not the only one contemplating on these painful issues. Jesus was the ultimate stranger among us, yet Christians devote so little effort to elevating the suffering of the strangers among us.
Today I posted an article and a poem-translation on this topic. I would be very grateful for your support and for any feedback.
“Globalisation of love: a poem dedicated to all migrants”