Immigration and Family Values

The facts show that the recent rise in immigration hasn’t been accompanied by social breakdown, but by social repair. As immigration has surged, violent crime has fallen by 57 percent. Teen pregnancies and abortion rates have declined by a third. […] The divorce rate for young people is on the way down.Brooks also describes immigrants as “a booster shot of traditional morality.” Many immigrant cultures’ focus on community and family can also be a much-needed booster shot for American Christians who are concerned about the decline of family values in our country. Immigrant families may offer an alternative way of thinking about family in the first place, which may be more robust than the typical Caucasian-American, isolated definition of family. The most common—or at least most idealized—type of housing for American families is the single-family home, designed for the nuclear family only. For many Caucasian-Americans, it is not common to have multiple generations under one roof. In fact, our country was founded on and celebrates the idea of rugged individualism. As more immigrants come to the U.S. and bring their own set of family values, American Christians can learn valuable lessons. Al Hsu, in his book The Suburban Christian, points out that immigrant families that look different to Caucasian-Americans “demonstrate family values and identity not often seen in typical (white) American families, where relatives beyond the nuclear family rarely live under one roof.” To Hsu, such families are similar to families in Scripture, with emphasis on community and an outward, rather than isolated, focus. A broader definition of family may challenge American Christians to consider what might be a more God-honoring way of living in our increasingly individualistic society. As a result, we may see stronger marriages, healthier children, and more intact families. To effectively promote family values, the sanctity of marriage, and the sanctity of life, Christians would be wise to support a more compassionate immigration policy.

Tagged with: abortion • Al Hsu • Asian Immigrants • children • David Brooks • family values • Focus on the Family • Hispanic Immigrants • Marriage • mixed-status • New York Times • nuclear families • pro-life • sanctity of life • Suburban Christian • Washington Post
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