Guest blog by: Will Coley Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. – Philippians 4:8 With so much news and information bombarding us each day, it’s good to take time to reflect on […]Continue Reading →
Like most evangelicals, I believe very strongly in the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. The Scriptures, though, were not written in English and it’s entirely possible to misunderstand the transforming truth of Scripture if it’s not translated clearly, or accurately, into language we understand. For example, most (if not […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by Kris Van Engen Few would argue with the statement that it is nearly impossible for low skilled workers to immigrate to the U.S. legally. This puts poorer immigrants in a pretty difficult situation. So, if a church wants to serve the oppressed in a powerful way, working for immigration reform […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by Samuel Tsoi In the absence of comprehensive immigration reform legislation, a central demand by advocates is the just and humane treatment of undocumented immigrants and ending the deportation of the majority of undocumented immigrants who do no harm to communities. Record number of immigrants has been deported since 2008, […]Continue Reading →
As I speak in local churches on the topic of immigration, challenging Christians to think about how our faith should inform the ways that they respond to the arrival of immigrants to our country, I never begin by talking about politics. Contrary to what some of my non-Christian friends presume based on media reports, […]Continue Reading →
What continues to astound me every day, though, is how powerful our God is, and how easily He can turn a top on the other side as it continues to spin. What many of the people I’ve worked with will never know is just how indebted I am to them. They will never know how much of a blessing they have been to me, to have known them and to have been welcomed into their lives.Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by Stephan Bauman Wide swaths of wheat and apple-laden branches lined the road as I travelled with a delegation of Christian leaders to visit the Broetje Orchards in Prescott, Washington on August 30th. The sky was vast and cloudless in southeastern Washington, the country’s largest producer of apples. Ralph and […]Continue Reading →
In the Old Testament, King David—the greatest of the kings of Israel and the only whom God called “a man after my own heart”—made an uncharacteristically bad decision that led him to commit adultery and then, in the wake of Bathsheba’s pregnancy, murder (2 Samuel 11). Despite such blatant offenses, though, David […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by Wendy Tarr Editor’s Note: Today’s guest blog is a video piece produced by CLUE (Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice) in Orange County, California, with a brief explanation of the video’s origins by CLUE Orange County Director Wendy Tarr: This video was created by Clergy and Laity […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by Natalie Burris American evangelical Christians are known for promoting family values. In fact, an entire evangelical organization, Focus on the Family, dedicates its multi-million-dollar yearly budget to supporting marriage and children, as well as sanctity-of-life issues, such as eliminating abortion. The current immigrant debate can play an important […]Continue Reading →