Voices for Reform: Wilmer Villacorta

Wilmer Villacorta, Ph.D., was raised in Peru until age 19 and lived as an immigrant in France and in the US. He served as a pastor in Latino communities in New Jersey and California from 1985 through 1997. He served in two non-profit organizations assisting with advocacy and job development in the Los Angeles county from 1989 to 1994. Currently, he ministers as a graduate school educator at Fuller Seminary. His students are pastors, relief workers, ex-pat workers, and market-place leaders from the US and several nations from around the world. Please note that the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of everyone associated with G92 or any institutions with which the blogger may be affiliated. We’re always looking for new guest bloggers; please check out our Guest Blog Submission Guidelines if you’re interested.
Tagged with: Beth-El Mennonite Church • Colorado Springs • El Centro Church • Fuller Seminary • Immigrant Church • immigration reform • Jaime Lazaro • latino • Latino immigrants • Latino ministry • Los Angeles • Micah 6:8 • Peru • Wilmer Villacorta • World Relief
Thank you brother Wilmer.
It is humbling to find that simply doing what Christ calls us to do as his followers brings not only hope and encouragement to others but also results in such mutually enriching relationships.You all are indeed God’s gifts to us.