Last week, Nigerian-American writer Teju Cole wrote a compelling, provocative article in The Atlantic critiquing what he calls the “white savior industrial complex.”  Specifically mentioning the viral KONY 2012 video from Invisible Children, the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof and the popular TED talks (each of which, I should note, I’ve […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Tim Hoiland This is the second in a two-part series based on Tim’s conversation with Ricardo. Part one was featured on our blog Wednesday. Ricardo, 20, is an undocumented college student living in Phoenix. He recently spoke with advocacy journalist Tim Høiland about his journey from Mexico to the […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Jenny Yang This blog was first posted on the World Relief Responds website. The original post can be found here. For years, I heard that thousands of refugees from Chin State in Burma were fleeing into Mizoram State, India to escape persecution at the hands of the Burmese military regime.  […]Continue Reading

Glimpses of Grace

On February 22, 2012 By
Guest Blog by: Jesus Romero The concept of grace is fundamental to Christianity.  In fact, if anyone asked me to name the most important word in the Bible, other than “Jesus”, it would be, without a doubt, the word “grace”. There are many different ways to define grace, but the one that nails it […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Diana Soerens I am a shameless addict of the hit British period drama, Downton Abbey. After a friend turned me on to it over Christmas break, I watched the entire first season in two days and joined a Sunday night viewing club for the second season. I just cannot get […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Nathan Liu Could the “’Lin’-sanity” surrounding Jeremy Lin have happened without past immigration reform? There’s a chance it may not  have. It wasn’t until The Immigration Act of 1965 that the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was significantly repealed.  The 1943 Magnuson Act did allow 105 Chinese immigrants to enter […]Continue Reading
January has been designated by the President as Human Trafficking Prevention Month.  Last Wednesday, on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, my Twitter feed was filled with folks raising awareness about the reality of human trafficking. They were challenging the Church, in particular, to respond both with prayer and action to abolish this […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Iris Clement In the current political debates and ever-present discussion about illegal immigration, I often hear adamantly expressed phrases like “I do not support amnesty.” While politicians span the whole gamut of proposed solutions to the immigration issue, they all vociferously distance themselves from any accusation of granting amnesty. From a […]Continue Reading

Pedro’s Story

On December 2, 2011 By
Blog post by: Emily Guzman You can find the full post in its original form at Emily’s blog: As Pedro, Logan and I drove closer and closer to Georgia, we were excited but also nervous.  This would be the first time we would return since Pedro’s release from Stewart Detention Center on […]Continue Reading

Speed Trap Ahead

On November 28, 2011 By
Confession: I came up with the idea for this blog while driving down Interstate 88 at approximately 72 miles per hour, 17 miles faster than the lawful speed limit.  I am an illegal driver. When I was in high school—with a new driver’s license and a youthful eagerness to understand and obey the Bible—I […]Continue Reading
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