Editor’s note: This blog post originally ran on the Community 4:12 blog. Permission was given by the author to repost. I have lived in a largely immigrant community for the past 6 years. I know many of my friends and neighbors are undocumented, and I have seen some of them suffer […]Continue Reading →
I am a sucker for traditions. I love celebrating important moments by reflecting each year on special days. The prayer vigil for immigration reform has become a tradition in our community. However we never intended it to be an annual tradition. Four years ago, we gathered to cry out […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: Casa Chirilagua is a Christian not-for-profit outreach that seeks to develop relationships with families Chirilagua, a Latino neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia. This post originally appeared on their website. Permission was given by the moderator to repost. “Miss Sarah, what does justice mean?” Cristóbal, a rising sixth grader, asked this […]Continue Reading →
I have the privilege of teaching kindergarten in the Harrison School District here in Colorado Springs. My class is special, though, because it is completely made up of students who are learning English for the first time. Although almost all of my students were born here in the United […]Continue Reading →
Having coauthored a book entitled Welcoming the Stranger, my interest was piqued by the similar title of a book I spotted on a bookstore shelf recently: Learning from the Stranger: Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity (Eerdmans, 2009) by Calvin College professor David I. Smith focuses on the intersection between biblical faith […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by Adam Gustine There are days when, if you were walking around my neighborhood and you didn’t know better, you couldn’t be sure that you were still in America. I live in the hub of three major ethnic communities in south Brooklyn. I’m a pastor at a church that is literally the […]Continue Reading →