In 2007, I paced in my apartment, phone pressed to my ear as my undocumented fiancé mourned the immigration reform bill dying on the Senate floor. Momentum had been building all summer, and against his better judgment, Billy’s hopes had risen. He was working on a construction […]Continue Reading →
A message from Leith Anderson on behalf of the Evangelical Immigration Table: Depending on where you get your news, you might have heard in recent weeks either that: 1.) Immigration negotiations have fallen apart in the House of Representatives, or 2) House Leadership is on the verge of introducing legislation […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This blog originally appeared as part of a larger blog post on First Things. Permission was given by the moderator to repost. Moral theologian Johannes Messner wrote in 1958 that “the family is prior to the state. It holds natural rights which the state is bound to recognize.” In […]Continue Reading →