Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in Sojourners’ God’s Politics blog. Permission was given by the moderator to repost. When I go out with my Dad, he often wears a cap identifying him as a Korean War veteran. Over and over again, people tell him, “Thank you for serving.” […]Continue Reading →
“Grateful that I’m not the person I used to be, and working on the person God wants me to be.” Dear readers, I would like to share my brother’s story. On Thursday morning, December 13th, 2012, my mother heard a car outside our house. She looked out the window and saw a man […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note: Matthew provided an update on this story about six weeks after this blog was first posted that he calls “Frustration, Anger, Hope & Gratitude.” Yesterday afternoon, after church, I went to jail. Last Thursday, on the way to the pediatrician with his four-week-old son, one of my […]Continue Reading →
As a Christian, a lawyer, and a former member of a Spanish-speaking church in Nashville, Tennessee, I am particularly sensitive to this Biblical message:
“Refuse to accept different standards of justice for the foreigners among you.”
Just as God had (and has) opinions about kings and their laws, he has opinions about democracies and their laws. America and its Christians do not have carte blanche in politics or in the halls of government. We must be sensitive to God’s direction when we legislate.Continue Reading →
A key biblical principal is that God has established the institution of government to maintain social order (Romans 13:1-7). How is the follower of Jesus to respond, however, when government knowingly violates the legal guidelines it has created for itself in order to guarantee this social order? This is one of the central issues involved in the immigration debate in America—though not in the way that many Christians typically frame the issue.Continue Reading →