
On April 8, 2015 By

Editor’s Note:  This post originally appeared June 1st 2012.

[illegal is illegal]

but i am a person illegal is illegal but i love, and am loved illegal is illegal but i know no other . . . illegal is illegal but i was a child, and am […]Continue Reading


On June 1, 2012 By

[illegal is illegal]

but i am a person illegal is illegal but i love, and am loved illegal is illegal but i know no other . . . illegal is illegal but i was a child, and am now a man, illegal is illegal but whatever happened to justification? […]Continue Reading
The concept of self-deportation is one solution suggested by some politicians for dealing with undocumented immigrants in the United States.  Their theory is that recent federal laws passed in the United States, such as the new E-verify program and Arizona-style state laws, will deter immigrants from continuing to live in the USA as there […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Nathan Liu Could the “’Lin’-sanity” surrounding Jeremy Lin have happened without past immigration reform? There’s a chance it may not  have. It wasn’t until The Immigration Act of 1965 that the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was significantly repealed.  The 1943 Magnuson Act did allow 105 Chinese immigrants to enter […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Iris Clement In the current political debates and ever-present discussion about illegal immigration, I often hear adamantly expressed phrases like “I do not support amnesty.” While politicians span the whole gamut of proposed solutions to the immigration issue, they all vociferously distance themselves from any accusation of granting amnesty. From a […]Continue Reading

Pedro’s Story

On December 2, 2011 By
Blog post by: Emily Guzman You can find the full post in its original form at Emily’s blog: http://www.logansdad.org/blog.php As Pedro, Logan and I drove closer and closer to Georgia, we were excited but also nervous.  This would be the first time we would return since Pedro’s release from Stewart Detention Center on […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Dr. Juan Martinez This blog post is cross posted here: http://caminandoconelpueblo.com/2011/11/07/una-sociedad-que-no-cree-en-la-familia and http://lovingthestranger.blogspot.com/ Translation by David Schmidt On November 3, 2011 a report on the status of U.S.-born children whose parents have been detained or deported by immigration agents was released (Shattered Families). According to this study, there […]Continue Reading

Enough is Enough

On November 25, 2011 By
Guest Blog by: Beth Orchard Black Friday is a day I usually dread. People camp out for days to buy items such as televisions, video games and other things at greatly reduced prices. Some stores will be open starting at 10 pm on the eve of Thanksgiving, with others opening early Thanksgiving day […]Continue Reading

Dynamic Discussion

On November 23, 2011 By
Guest Blog by: Iris Clement “I’m reading a really interesting book and would like to share some of it with you in class today.” I hold up Just Like Us , which tells the story of four Mexican teenagers growing up in America. Faces show interest and curiosity, until the next words leave […]Continue Reading
Today g92.org is trying something a little different. Tim Campbell wrote a letter in Spanish to his immigrant friends that he translated into English  for our audience. The English version is first, followed by the Spanish version.   Guest Blog by: Tim Campbell

The Shame

I am ashamed. The shame I […]Continue Reading
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