The Supreme Court’s decision that knocked out Arizona’s strong law targeting undocumented immigrants spells trouble for other states’ look-alike laws. Even more interesting, however, are the legal arguments that lost. Justices Scalia, Thomas and Alito each wrote dissenting opinions. Since they do not agree much with each other, these opinions encase legal theories that have […]Continue Reading
Like many other states, particularly in the South, North Carolina has recently been considering legislation that would seek to push undocumented immigrants out of the state.  Today’s guest blogger, John Faison, shared these words at a news conference before the House Committee considering enacting this legislation in North Carolina:  

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A key biblical principal is that God has established the institution of government to maintain social order (Romans 13:1-7). How is the follower of Jesus to respond, however, when government knowingly violates the legal guidelines it has created for itself in order to guarantee this social order? This is one of the central issues involved in the immigration debate in America—though not in the way that many Christians typically frame the issue.Continue Reading
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