Editors Note: This post originally appeared on the Sojourners God’s Politics blog. Feeling the pressure from some immigrants’ rights groups on the record-breaking number of deportations under his administration (2 million by early April), President Barack Obama recently requested a review on his deportation polices. The goal is to see if […]Continue Reading →
“I am undocumented, and I am not ashamed!” Those were some of the words that you would have heard if you were on my campus two weeks ago. From 9:00 A.M. in the morning until 5:00 P.M. in the early evening, students, professors, and staff were all sharing their migration stories […]Continue Reading →
Editors Note: Every Friday, we will try to feature one of our G92 Fellows as guest contributors. G92 Fellows are a group of college students who are committed to mobilizing their campuses around the country for immigration reform. Recently, my representative, Congressman Adam Kinzinger, participated in a bipartisan immigration reform Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This blog originally appeared on Bread for the World’s blog. Permission was given by the moderator to repost. My dad was a born a migrant. He likes to talk about the storm that was raging the night of his birth, but there was an even greater […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This blog originally appeared on Neighborhood Ministry’s blog. Permission was given by the moderator to repost. Our young leaders at Neighborhood Ministries began to get public visibility in their own right during the 103 days of the 24/7 prayer vigil that they manned at the Arizona […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: Earlier this week, members of G92 participated in the Americans for Reform lobby day in Washington, D.C. to urge members of the the House of Representatives to ask their leaders to bring immigration reform to a vote. Please join us by contacting your Representative today to encourage […]Continue Reading →
I am a sucker for traditions. I love celebrating important moments by reflecting each year on special days. The prayer vigil for immigration reform has become a tradition in our community. However we never intended it to be an annual tradition. Four years ago, we gathered to cry out […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on Sojourners. Permission was given by moderator to repost. When one reads the Old Testament Law, one is struck by the amount of attention given to those from the outside–Hebrew ger, the sojourner (or alien or stranger, depending on the English translation). Peoples […]Continue Reading →
A message from Leith Anderson on behalf of the Evangelical Immigration Table: Depending on where you get your news, you might have heard in recent weeks either that: 1.) Immigration negotiations have fallen apart in the House of Representatives, or 2) House Leadership is on the verge of introducing legislation […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This blog originally appeared as part of a larger blog post on First Things. Permission was given by the moderator to repost. Moral theologian Johannes Messner wrote in 1958 that “the family is prior to the state. It holds natural rights which the state is bound to recognize.” In […]Continue Reading →