Editor’s note: This blog originally ran on September 3, 2012. You can’t understand immigration without a basic understanding of the labor market.  While some individuals choose—or are forced—to migrate for other reasons, such as refugees forced to flee persecution or individuals who relocate to reside with a family member, the vast majority of immigrants […]Continue Reading
        “It’s the economy, stupid!” Poll after poll shows that American voters’ top priorities for our government to address are economic issues such as unemployment and job creation. America’s concern over unemployment makes perfect sense. For one thing, a country obviously cannot achieve its full potential while suffering from high unemployment. For […]Continue Reading

I am the Immigrant

On August 9, 2013 By
Editor’s Note: Blog first appeared at http://bronlea.wordpress.com/. Permission was given by the author to repost.  This card with my name and fingerprint on it, also records my official Alien Number, assigned to me by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service. We are now at the end of our ninth year of […]Continue Reading

It can be frustrating, at times, to be a faithful Christian in the public square. Personally, two issues dominate my activism: abortion and immigration. While they are separate and complex issues, I believe they stem from the same root belief: every person born into the world was created in the image […]Continue Reading

Editors Note: This article first appeared on January 9,  2013 I always identified Tuscaloosa with “Roll Tide,” not the “Clergy Criminalization Act.”     That changed when I spent two weeks in late 2011 working with the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice.   I traveled to Alabama to support the resident bishop of […]Continue Reading

Bill Hybels says that casting a vision is the process of inspiring people to move from “here” to “there.”  We often think that to “sell” a vision, we need to paint a compelling picture of “there,” he says, when we really need to make the case for […]Continue Reading

Let me start by saying how nice it is to write something that’s not contingent on a final grade for the first time in a very long while … Ahh, let’s all just let that soak in….

                For the past four years I’ve been grinding […]Continue Reading

A few weeks ago, in the bulletin at my church, there was an announcement that I felt had been written specifically for me:

Folding Chair Amnesty Week—Have you ever borrowed folding chairs from the church? We need them back!  Please return any folding chairs to the church this week—amnesty […]Continue Reading

Prayer And Action

On April 22, 2013 By

Last Wednesday, hundreds of pastors and lay leaders from evangelical churches and campuses all over the United States gathered in our nation’s capital for a national Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform.  Several months ago, national Christian leaders drafted a letter to President Obama and to […]Continue Reading

Twelve years ago, I proudly lived and served as the resident director in Edgren Hall, the residence hall named after the founder of Bethel University — John Alexis Edgren. Edgren grew up in Karlstad, Sweden, and immigrated to the U.S. in 1862. Today, I live in south Minneapolis where many of […]Continue Reading
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