Prayer And Action

On April 22, 2013 By

Last Wednesday, hundreds of pastors and lay leaders from evangelical churches and campuses all over the United States gathered in our nation’s capital for a national Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform.  Several months ago, national Christian leaders drafted a letter to President Obama and to […]Continue Reading

This morning, our friends and colleagues with the various organizations that make up the Evangelical Immigration Table are launching an exciting new initiative called the “I Was a Stranger” Challenge.     The “Challenge” is simply this: we’re asking evangelical Christians who claim that the Bible is their ultimate authority to […]Continue Reading
Two weekends ago, I had the privilege of participating in the Cumbre Global de Liderazgo, the Spanish language version of the Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit.  While I was there to lead a session explaining the Department of Homeland Security’s new “Deferred Action” policy for the many leaders in Spanish-speaking […]Continue Reading
Last week, while teaching on immigration for a group of pastors in Jacksonville, Florida, my colleague at World Relief Jacksonville, Elaine,  made an interesting observation. After hearing me talk through a few of the many references to immigrants and immigration in the Bible, Elaine reflected that, in sixty years of church, she could not […]Continue Reading

Top Blogs of 2011-Part 1

On December 28, 2011 By began a year ago with an idea. That idea was to inspire and mobilize young evangelicals to champion the rights of immigrants. With the help of friends and supporters who posted blogs to the site, we were able to bring awareness to current events in the debate on immigration, highlight the injustices families […]Continue Reading
My challenge to local churches, as often as I can convince them to listen to me, is to see immigration to the United States not—as many in the larger society do—as a threat, but rather as a missional opportunity.  God, in his sovereignty, has brought people from every nation to our communities (Acts 17:26), […]Continue Reading
Last Thursday and Friday, along with tens of thousands of Christian leaders at satellite sites across the country (the rest of the world gets to participate in the coming months), I attended the Willow Creek Association Global Leadership Summit.  This was the second time that I’ve had the opportunity to attend the event, […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Dr. Carl Ruby I’m a lifelong Republican working at a conservative evangelical university.  Voted for Reagan.  Voted for Bush. Voted for Dole.  Voted for Bush again – twice.  Voted for Mc… okay, so I didn’t vote for McCain, let’s not go there.  My issues are supposed to be low taxes, strong […]Continue Reading
Last Wednesday evening, while at a Christian College in rural Ohio that I was visiting for the first time, I experienced a surreal sense of déjà vu. Nearly a decade ago now, as a freshman at Wheaton College, I was present for what some would argue was the most exciting event that ever happened to […]Continue Reading
A few months ago, The New York Times ran a front-page story about the strong support coming from evangelical leaders like Richard Land, Bill Hybels, Mat Staver, and Samuel Rodriguez for a comprehensive reform of our nation’s immigration laws. While I appreciated the article as a whole, I thought […]Continue Reading
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