This morning, our friends and colleagues with the various organizations that make up the Evangelical Immigration Table are launching an exciting new initiative called the “I Was a Stranger” Challenge. The “Challenge” is simply this: we’re asking evangelical Christians who claim that the Bible is their ultimate authority to […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s Update (May 2, 2013): G92 is joining other Christian organizations throughout the country in urging you to pray fervently over the next ninety-two days for immigration reform. Please commit to praying & sign up for weekly requests and reminders at Last year, I wrote a New Year’s […]Continue Reading →
Evangelical Christianity is based on the word of the Bible; so much so that evangelical Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God himself. That means that as evangelical Christians, our current political views should reflect and be consistent with the Word of God. This will ensure that we what we believe […]Continue Reading →
A group of us from my church gathered one Wednesday night to talk about what God has to say about immigration. Unlike the debates we are hearing on TV and the Radio in the build up to the election, this was not a moment to talk about our different political views but to have […]Continue Reading →
Two weekends ago, I had the privilege of participating in the Cumbre Global de Liderazgo, the Spanish language version of the Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit. While I was there to lead a session explaining the Department of Homeland Security’s new “Deferred Action” policy for the many leaders in Spanish-speaking […]Continue Reading →
Can’t we all identify? We’re late for work because we can’t settle on an outfit from our jam-packed closet. We’ve already left the drive-thru before we realize they forgot the ketchup packets. Our wallets won’t close neatly because they’re too full of cash and cards. We have “nothing to eat” in our fridge. […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by: Jesus Romero The concept of grace is fundamental to Christianity. In fact, if anyone asked me to name the most important word in the Bible, other than “Jesus”, it would be, without a doubt, the word “grace”. There are many different ways to define grace, but the one that nails it […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by: Lisa Van Engen Growing up, there was a sweet girl who spoke broken English. Her name was Marigold and she was a few locker spaces down from my own in school. Though she was young, her eyes spoke volumes about her family history. Marigold came and went with the migratory seasons, […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by: Donald Balla Rule of Law refers to the Christian value that calls for obeying the laws of the land. I’m a Rule of Law fan. Still, as Lemuel Washburn wrote, “It is necessary to distinguish between the virtue and the vice of obedience.” We apply Rule of Law to immigrants […]Continue Reading → launched nearly a year ago. My work at World Relief, and our focus here at s has been primarily on informing and challenging evangelical Christians’ thinking about the topic of immigration. We believe immigration presents a missional opportunity, a divinely-ordained chance to be faithful to God’s commands to love our neighbor, […]Continue Reading →