Guest Blog by Claudia Vazquez Secrets can be good and bad. For many years, I never shared more than what was needed. One never shared or talked about one’s legal status, how we got to the States, or even where we were born. It was as if everyone knew, but no one dared ask. […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Dr. Carl Ruby I’m a lifelong Republican working at a conservative evangelical university.  Voted for Reagan.  Voted for Bush. Voted for Dole.  Voted for Bush again – twice.  Voted for Mc… okay, so I didn’t vote for McCain, let’s not go there.  My issues are supposed to be low taxes, strong […]Continue Reading
Next spring, I’ll be speaking for the second consecutive year on the topic of immigration at The Justice Conference, joined by other Christian justice advocates like Francis Chan, Walter Brueggemann, Miroslav Volf, and Lynne Hybels.  Increasingly, I’ve noticed evangelicals grounding their concern for immigrants in an appeal to justice, with a sensitivity […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Chris Liu-Beers The questions surrounding immigration policy have sparked an intense debate across the United States, including in North Carolina, where I live and work. Society remains divided on specific policies, but we also remain divided about some of the even bigger questions.  For example, what does it mean to be […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Andrew Wainer. A large portion of Americans believe we have 11 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States because we’re lazy. According to this line of thinking, if we turned up the heat by reducing public benefits, some of the 13.5 million unemployed citizens would be compelled to turn off the TV, get off the couch, and apply for jobs working as field hands, cleaning staff, and construction workers.Continue Reading
At the heart of what it means to be an evangelical Christian is a deep belief in the gospel (evangelion). Evangelicals desire to see those who have not yet embraced and been transformed by the hope of a relationship with Jesus Christ join into the family of those who have.  We share the gospel […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by James Fischer   Written by an accomplished professor at a prominent evangelical seminary, Christians at the Border is an important resource for anyone exploring biblical perspectives on immigration in America. Daniel Carroll speaks with a balanced and insightful voice in a tone becoming of healthy Christian discourse. His experience as a […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Bruce Strom   The alien within our borders suffers many injustices. Administer Justice, the Christian legal aid ministry that I lead, is often criticized for assisting undocumented individuals.  Many Christians view our involvement as a failure to obey the authorities.  It is not.  But understanding what the authorities say is both complex […]Continue Reading

Love in Action

On May 16, 2011 By
“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:8).     Much of the discussion around immigration in the United States, including within our churches, focuses on questions of public policy: who should be allowed in?  How should we penalize those who have broken immigration laws?  How […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Sarah Jackson     Some of my most vivid childhood memories swirl around time in the water. Splashing in a pool for hours on end gave way to my nickname, “The Fish.” On one particular pool day my mom packed a lunch for our family. We would be hungry after a full […]Continue Reading
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