Guest blog by: Carl Nelson There are two important reasons why evangelicals should support immigration reform. Our current system is weakening immediate family units and the wide use of undocumented immigrants in certain industries results in their exploitation and unjust economic gains for others. I know that many evangelicals have not always been sympathetic to these […]Continue Reading
Having coauthored a book entitled Welcoming the Stranger, my interest was piqued by the similar title of a book I spotted on a bookstore shelf recently: Learning from the Stranger: Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity (Eerdmans, 2009) by Calvin College professor David I. Smith focuses on the intersection between biblical faith […]Continue Reading
Blog by: Juliana Martinez Last month The Heritage Foundation published a report entitled, “The Human Tragedy of Illegal Immigration: Greater Efforts Needed to Combat Smuggling and Violence.” The report describes a disconcerting reality: immigration is littered with gut-wrenching corruption and heart-breaking violence. It is interesting to note that recent studies have detailed a decease in immigration […]Continue Reading
Editor’s Note: Matthew provided an update on this story about six weeks after this blog was first posted that he calls “Frustration, Anger, Hope & Gratitude.”   Yesterday afternoon, after church,  I went to jail.   Last Thursday, on the way to the pediatrician with his four-week-old son, one of my […]Continue Reading
Guest blog by: Eric My wife and I have been working with The Destino Movement for over 3 years. There have been ups and downs along the way. Overall, I think we’d both agree that its been an amazing ride. We’ve seen God do so much more through Destino nationwide than we ever thought […]Continue Reading
Guest blog by: Dr. Norman Wilson In response to the Immigration Statement of The Wesleyan Church, a pastor wrote the following to me: “The conversations I’ve had, even with followers of Christ, seem to get divisive quickly. Have you found any effective ways for helping people see that immigration is more than a […]Continue Reading
Today is the 4th of July. For most Americans, that means fireworks, parades, picnics, and a long weekend.  For many, though, the day brings about a certain sentiment tied to something deeper: reflection and celebration of the privilege that it is to be American.   I must confess that, in recent years, this holiday […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by Cindi Peterson   A Better Life, PG-13, a drama released in limited theaters on June 24, 2011, is insightful, authentic, engaging, and much more than a search for a truck. My heart broke and my stomach grabbed in enough scenes to move me to a fresh appreciation of the value of […]Continue Reading

Where to Begin

On June 29, 2011 By
Guest Blog by Danny Carroll R. The proper place to begin the immigration discussion is creation and the image of God. Discussions on immigration should begin with looking at those who come as people, as individuals who have left family, home, nation, and culture to try to start a new life in a different, […]Continue Reading
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