Guest Blog by: Jenny Yang This blog was first posted on the World Relief Responds website. The original post can be found here. For years, I heard that thousands of refugees from Chin State in Burma were fleeing into Mizoram State, India to escape persecution at the hands of the Burmese military regime.  […]Continue Reading
I began devising responses to some of their information that would publicly cut them down, exposing what I viewed as their naiveté, gullibility, and hypocrisy. But then, as my mind went racing through the various economic studies and Scriptures I could cite to belittle their views, God convicted me of my own hypocrisy: doesn’t God love the Minutemen and similar groups? Aren’t they made in his image (Genesis 1:26-27), just like each undocumented immigrant? Didn’t Jesus die to save sinners—like them, like me (Romans 5:8)? Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: Federico Gutierrez This blog was first posted on Federico’s website which can be found here. Do I praise God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made? To put it shortly, maybe. During this Lenten season I have been fasting from a meal a day, using that time to pray for […]Continue Reading
Guest Blog by: R. Hugh Margesson Hector Zacara did not understand why there was no market for the beans he grew, beans that his family had grown in Tapachula, Mexico for decades.  He heard about U.S. grown beans being cheaper than the ones he grew.  He heard about NAFTA but did not know what […]Continue Reading
A couple of weeks ago, I visited Birmingham, Alabama for the first time. I was there to speak at Samford University (a Baptist university), at the G92 South conference. This conference takes its name from the 92 references to the Hebrew word ger, or the immigrant, in the Old Testament. The goal […]Continue Reading

Guest Blog by: Aaron Niequist

The idea that God loves EVERY ONE of his kids equally, no matter our history, nationality, beliefs, sins, strengths, etc, moves me so deeply.

“For nothing can separate us from the love of God…”

And not only do I want to learn how […]Continue Reading
This post originally ran on the Capital Commentary blog of the website of the Center for Public Justice. It was reprinted with permission and can be read here. Guest blog by: Tyler Johnson Immigration is a polarizing issue in the United States. Along with so many other issues of our day, in the […]Continue Reading
If and only if we engage in this true fasting, not just depriving ourselves of food or adorning our foreheads with ashes, but “spending ourselves” on behalf of the poor, the immigrant, the fatherless, and the widow, then Scripture promises that, “You will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here I am.”Continue Reading

Gerardo’s Story

On February 24, 2012 By
Guest Blog by: Tim Campbell Gerardo was born in Mexico in 1991 and brought here at age 3 from Mexico by his mother. Having little memory of his native land, he can speak and understand Spanish, but cannot write it. Gerardo has three younger sisters, one undocumented and two born here. His stepfather was […]Continue Reading

Glimpses of Grace

On February 22, 2012 By
Guest Blog by: Jesus Romero The concept of grace is fundamental to Christianity.  In fact, if anyone asked me to name the most important word in the Bible, other than “Jesus”, it would be, without a doubt, the word “grace”. There are many different ways to define grace, but the one that nails it […]Continue Reading
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