Torn Apart

Tagged with: Bible • Christian • citizenship • Comprehensive Immigration Reform • Congress • deportation • Evangelical • excluded from citizenship • family reunification • family separation • G92 • • illegal • immigrants • immigration • immigration reform • justice • Mexico • migrants • undocumented immigrants
Nick and Eloisa, My heart goes out to you. Both of you are in my prayers and I’m certain that He will wipe away your tears.
Nick, thank you for sharing your story! Let’s get together soon, us four, so that we can pray together and share stories and hopes and dreams! Naz and I are moving to Houston in May, so we’d love to visit with you before we leave.
Keep on trusting God- even if the wait is long and it’s confusing, dark, with no end in sight, He is working on your behalf! =)
This is the reason why the immigration debate is so contentious in this country. People who have broken the law willingly and deliberately for years want not only for their crimes to be completely ignored, but also a reward for their “suffering”. Are you kidding me? Sorry kid, you get no sympathy from me.
The law is the law as my family experienced, some dying on their trips to the US. You either obey them or suffer the consequences. One of my uncles was caught leaving Cuba and later executed for treason. He knew the risks. He suffered the consequences. Your wife’s family was obviously aware of the risks of breaking in to this country and you knew the risks of marrying someone who has committed a crime that she hasn’t been punished for. Now you’re experiencing the consequences of your risk.
It’s time to put on your big boy pants and stop trying to evade accountability. Lo siento, but you made your bed, now lie in it.