Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared June 1st 2012.
[illegal is illegal]
but i am a person illegal is illegal but i love, and am loved illegal is illegal but i know no other . . . illegal is illegal but i was a child, and am […]Continue Reading →
This blog and poem translation about the struggle of migrants in a globalized world was originally posted on Healing Wanderer’s blog Family Hurts LCC: Love, Lament, and Critique. You can read the original post here. “For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland.” This poem […]Continue Reading →
[illegal is illegal]
but i am a person illegal is illegal but i love, and am loved illegal is illegal but i know no other . . . illegal is illegal but i was a child, and am now a man, illegal is illegal but whatever happened to justification? […]Continue Reading →