The central thesis of pastor David Platt’s bestselling Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream (Multnomah, 2010) is that, for many American Christians, our faith has become a comfortable, culturally-co-opted shadow of the costly, seemingly crazy commitment to which Scripture calls us. Platt, a well-known mega-church pastor in Birmingham, […]Continue Reading
Alabama made headlines last week by becoming the most recent state to pass a tough immigration law that supporters hope will drive undocumented immigrants out of the state. The bill, which one of sponsors called “an Arizona bill with an Alabama twist,” actually goes well beyond the scope of the controversial SB 1070 […]Continue Reading
At the heart of what it means to be an evangelical Christian is a deep belief in the gospel (evangelion). Evangelicals desire to see those who have not yet embraced and been transformed by the hope of a relationship with Jesus Christ join into the family of those who have.  We share the gospel […]Continue Reading
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