Editor’s Note: This blog originally appeared on the G92.org blog January 19, 2011. It is a guest blog by Kirsten Strand. Four years ago my family moved from an upper-middle class, mostly Anglo neighborhood to a low-income, predominantly Hispanic community. Four years ago, “illegal immigration” was a nameless, faceless issue. Today, undocumented […]Continue Reading →
Many of the moms in my community feel like there is not much they can contribute in this foreign land that they now call home. As undocumented immigrants, they are ineligible to get a driver’s license or a job. As Spanish speakers with limited English and in many cases only an elementary level of […]Continue Reading →
g92.org began a year ago with an idea. That idea was to inspire and mobilize young evangelicals to champion the rights of immigrants. With the help of friends and supporters who posted blogs to the site, we were able to bring awareness to current events in the debate on immigration, highlight the injustices families […]Continue Reading →