The Supreme Court’s decision that knocked out Arizona’s strong law targeting undocumented immigrants spells trouble for other states’ look-alike laws. Even more interesting, however, are the legal arguments that lost. Justices Scalia, Thomas and Alito each wrote dissenting opinions. Since they do not agree much with each other, these opinions encase legal theories that have […]Continue Reading →
Is breaking the law ever justifiable? As someone who has worked in immigration law for a number of years, I have good sense of the immigration situation in the U.S. In addition, as someone who has graduated from a Southern Baptist seminary, been a pastor and is an evangelical, I am acutely aware of […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by: Beth Orchard Black Friday is a day I usually dread. People camp out for days to buy items such as televisions, video games and other things at greatly reduced prices. Some stores will be open starting at 10 pm on the eve of Thanksgiving, with others opening early Thanksgiving day […]Continue Reading →