Editors Note: Every Friday, we will try to feature one of our G92 Fellows as guest contributors. G92 Fellows are a group of college students who are committed to mobilizing their campuses around the country for immigration reform. “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly […]Continue Reading →
“I am undocumented, and I am not ashamed!” Those were some of the words that you would have heard if you were on my campus two weeks ago. From 9:00 A.M. in the morning until 5:00 P.M. in the early evening, students, professors, and staff were all sharing their migration stories […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: This blog is the sixth part of a series, “Migration, Trade and Brutality: A Journey through Mexico and Central America”, written by David Schmidt regarding his travels in the summer of 2012. The goal of this series is to educate and inform readers about the reasons why immigrants come to our country so that we […]Continue Reading →
When welcoming the stranger only involves politics, it is tempting to advocate for the natural protagonists. Children abandoned in the US when their mother is deported solely for being in the US without the proper authorization. Youth who have worked hard in high school, scraped together scholarships in university and want […]Continue Reading →
In the last few weeks, I have been thinking of myself and other immigrants while reading the story of the bleeding woman in the Biblical passage in Mark 5:25-34. In the past, I have posted my own immigration story, which included how difficult it is for undocumented immigrants like me to […]Continue Reading →
Just about every pastor in America who has gone through some formalized training (Bible College or Seminary) has probably been exposed to some conversation on how to manage change in your church. If they haven’t, then their institution needs to do some serious revision to their curriculum. One of […]Continue Reading →
Last week, I was in Washington, D.C. with the Evangelical Immigration Table and several host organizations such as Bibles, Badges and Business for Immigration Reform. The event was called “Americans for Reform.” This was my third trip to D.C., all for similar events. I have participated in press conferences and […]Continue Reading →
Editor’s note: Earlier this week, members of G92 participated in the Americans for Reform lobby day in Washington, D.C. to urge members of the the House of Representatives to ask their leaders to bring immigration reform to a vote. Please join us by contacting your Representative today to encourage […]Continue Reading →
Recently, I wrote about how teaching English is a significant way you can share your power, your life, and perhaps even the Gospel. But even if you are unable to commit to teaching English in a classroom setting, you can still teach through personal relationships! Here are a few examples, […]Continue Reading →
Recently, I was invited by some friends to join them at an event to support immigration reform. The event was held at a local park in Denver and was a part of a larger, national effort which held over 150 rallies in 40 states across the country to show House leaders local […]Continue Reading →