Editor’s note: The original version of this blog appeared on November 21, 2011. Black Friday is a day I usually dread. People camp out for days to buy items such as televisions, video games and other things at greatly reduced prices. Some stores will be open starting on the eve of Thanksgiving, […]Continue Reading →
Christians disagree whether the Old Testament’s commands to set aside ten percent of one’s wealth should be translated as a binding command on Christians to give ten percent to the Church. A slight majority of evangelical leaders surveyed by the National Association of Evangelicals think that tithing is not an explicit requirement for […]Continue Reading →
Guest Blog by: Beth Orchard Black Friday is a day I usually dread. People camp out for days to buy items such as televisions, video games and other things at greatly reduced prices. Some stores will be open starting at 10 pm on the eve of Thanksgiving, with others opening early Thanksgiving day […]Continue Reading →