Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC) — the national immigration detention visitation network — believes that ending the isolation of people in immigration detention starts with being a good listener. CIVIC teamed up with Jesuit Refugee Service/USA (JRS/USA), a longstanding partner of the U.S. visitation […]Continue Reading

Bill Hybels says that casting a vision is the process of inspiring people to move from “here” to “there.”  We often think that to “sell” a vision, we need to paint a compelling picture of “there,” he says, when we really need to make the case for […]Continue Reading

Originally posted on A friend of Hispanic descent shared with me after New Wine, New Wineskins’ recent conference on immigration reform that someone seated near her said, “I hate parasites.” My friend said that the person in question—presumably a Christian given the Christian setting of the conference—was questioning the value of […]Continue Reading
Yesterday was Ascension Sunday—forty days after the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, when we remember Christ being “taken up” into heaven before the disciples (Acts 1:9).  Two realities struck out to me yesterday as I reflected on the biblical accounts of the ascension, one related to mission and the other related to prayer.   First, in […]Continue Reading

Let me start by saying how nice it is to write something that’s not contingent on a final grade for the first time in a very long while … Ahh, let’s all just let that soak in….

                For the past four years I’ve been grinding […]Continue Reading

As we get closer and closer to the possibility of actually passing immigration reform legislation—this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is considering amendments to the bill—I want to address a question I’ve heard (sometimes sheepishly, sometimes unabashedly) from some of my friends who align decidedly to the political Right: if we let undocumented immigrants […]Continue Reading

A few weeks ago, in the bulletin at my church, there was an announcement that I felt had been written specifically for me:

Folding Chair Amnesty Week—Have you ever borrowed folding chairs from the church? We need them back!  Please return any folding chairs to the church this week—amnesty […]Continue Reading

Prayer And Action

On April 22, 2013 By

Last Wednesday, hundreds of pastors and lay leaders from evangelical churches and campuses all over the United States gathered in our nation’s capital for a national Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform.  Several months ago, national Christian leaders drafted a letter to President Obama and to […]Continue Reading

If you know someone who is going through deportation and don’t know what to do for them, today is your lucky day. Here are 3 things you can do that will go a long way in alleviating the stress and strain that they […]Continue Reading

The Good People

On April 17, 2013 By
I was only sent to the principal’s office once in my life. For most of the school year, I’d been involved in a milk-smuggling cartel. The scheme was quite simple.  The first thing we’d do going through the lunch line was to pick up a carton of milk from the cooler that […]Continue Reading
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