We’re happy to consider guest submissions for our g92.org blog.
Our guidelines are below:
– Guest blogs should be between 400 and 1,000 words
– Topic can vary, but should in some way relate to immigration and be written from and for those with an evangelical Christian perspective (for example, a personal reflection based on life as or ministry with undocumented immigrants, thoughts on biblical passages relating to immigrants, etc.)
– Photos related to the content of the submission are welcome as well, but please only submit a photograph that you took personally and which you are willing to allow us to utilize without compensation
– Please also feel free to use hyperlinks, particularly to provide references for any information you are sharing. We particularly ask that you provide links to credible citations for any particular figures or statistics that you cite in your submission.
– Please include a two or three line biographical statement to run at the end of the piece.
- Referencing your title and institutional affiliation can be helpful for establishing your credibility to your readers
- We include the following disclaimer at the end of all guest blogs: “Please note that the views expressed by guest bloggers represent their own personal views, and not necessarily those of everyone associated with g92.org or any institutions with which the blogger may be affiliated.”
- Please also feel free to use this space to mention books, articles, or other blogs where folks who appreciate your piece might find more of your writing.